Madur GA-40T plus gas analyzer with built-in sample conditioner


GA-40T plus gas analyzer with built-in sample conditioner

Professional flue gas analyser that combines high quality of sample conditioning with great measurement accuracy contained in a compact soft casing. Analyser is equipped with heated hose with heated filter, built-in high efficient condensation dryer. It can be fitted with up to 9 sensors (electrochemical cells and NDIR sensors). Has built-in pressure sensor, large internal memory for results and built-in ribbon printer for standard.

  • Equipped with up to 7 electrochemical cells
  • Equipped with up to 2 NDIR sensors
  • Built-in 58mm ribbon, graphic printer
  • Built-in rechargeable battery for up to 8 hours of operation
  • Built-in Peltier dryer with peristaltic pump for condensate removal
  • Equipped with heated hose with built-in heated gas filter
  • Heated hose with standard M30x1 fitting, fits all madur gas probes with K-type thermocouples
  • Additional gas filter with condensate trap
  • Differential pressure sensor – for measurements of chimney draft and flow velocity (with help of Pitot tube)
  • Soot measurement program
  • Measurements of gas and ambient temperatures, optionally 2 additional inputs for temperature sensors



4-20 mA, Bluetooth, Display, Elektrokjemisk, NDIR, PID, Pumpe, RS232


Hydrogen H2, Hydrogenklorid HCl, Hydrogensulfid H2S, Karbonmonoksid CO, Klor Cl2, Lystgass N2O, Metan CH4, Nitrogendioksid NO2, Nitrogenmonoksid NO, Oksygen O2, Svoveldioksid SO2, VOC flyktige organiske forbindelser

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