Madur Photon portable gas analyzer


Photon portable gas analyzer

Photon is a state-of-the-art gas analyzer. It is a class of its own, equipped with up to 6 NDIR sensors, supplemented with up to 3 electrochemical cells. Large, colourful VGA display for data presentation.

  • Compact-flash disk for results (stored in a database form)
  • All administered by PC-104 industrial class computer with Windows CE operating system
  • Photon paired with the most efficient gas conditioner creates fully professional gas analyzing system that meets the most rigorous requirements and criteria
  • Recommend for all those who appreciate the most: quality and performance



4-20 mA, Display, Elektrokjemisk, Ethernet, NDIR, Paramagnetiske, PID, Pumpe, RS232, Termisk ledningsevne


Freon R23, Hydrogen H2, Hydrogenklorid HCl, Hydrogensulfid H2S, Karbonmonoksid CO, Klor Cl2, Lystgass N2O, Metan CH4, Nitrogendioksid NO2, Nitrogenmonoksid NO, Oksygen O2, Svoveldioksid SO2, VOC flyktige organiske forbindelser

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