Servomex DF-560E NANOTRACE



Servomex – Measuring Ultra Trace Oxygen

Designed to measure ultra-trace oxygen to the very lowest levels, the DF-560E delivers the semiconductor industry an industry-leading 45ppt Lower Detection Limit (LDL). Flexible and adaptable, the DF-560E is able to monitor O2 in multiple background gases while logging data in a variety of formats.

  • Broad detection range: 0-1ppb – 0-20ppm
  • Monitors multiple background gases with a single unit
  • Sensor compensates for sample and flow rate fluctuations – ideal for upset prone applications
  • Operable via front panel or digital communication options



0-10V, 0-1V, 0-2V, 0-5V, Coulometric, Display, Releer


Oksygen O2

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